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Abstract #2036

An artifact-free imaging protocol for the mapping of cerebrovascular reactivity.

Harshan Ravi 1,2 , Binu P Thomas 1,2 , Shin-lei Peng 1 , and Hanzhang Lu 1

1 Advanced Imaging Research Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical center, Dallas, Texas, United States, 2 Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, United States

With a growing need for specific biomarkers in vascular diseases, there has been a surging interest in mapping cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) of the brain. The increase in CVR with CO2 inhalation is an expected outcome, however recent studies reported apparent negative CVR. This apparently negative CVR is predominantly located in brain ventricles. This is attributed to a dilation of blood vessels during CO2 inhalation, which displaces the bright CSF signal in ventricle causing an artifactual reduction in BOLD signal. In this work, we performed simulation and experimental studies to re-optimize the BOLD imaging parameters such that negative CVR is removed.

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