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Abstract #2010

Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Blast Induced Traumatic Brain Injury in Rodent Model

Sanjay K Verma 1 , Bhanu Prakash KN 1 , Sankar Seramani 1 , Enci Mary Kan 2 , Kian Chye Ng 2 , Mui Hong Tan 2 , Jia Lu 2 , and S Sendhil Velan 1,3

1 Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore, Singapore, 2 Combat Protection and Performance Lab, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore, Singapore, 3 Clinical Imaging Research Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Traumatic brain injury due to blasts by improvised explosive devices is increasing, creating various neuropsychological dysfunctions such as attention deficit, working function, motor skills etc in both animals and humans. We investigated the effect of open field blast injuries on rat brain using Diffusion tensor imaging which provides the degree as well as directionality of water diffusion in brain. The increase in FA , AD and decrease in RD at day 1 in CC may be probably due to edema or change in the water content within the myelin sheath. Decrease of diffusivity in the cortex and hippocampus indicates cytotoxic edema and slight increase at day 28 probably due to reduced tissue cellularity.

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