Abstract #1880
Intermodality image guided MRI super-resolution
Jianhua Yan 1 , Jason Chu-Shern Lim 1 , and David W Townsend 1
A*STAR-NUS, Clinical Imaging Research
Center, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Image resolution of MRI is limited by several factors
such as hardware, signal to noise ratio, hardware and
time limitations or patients comfort. In typical
clinical settings, several types of images are obtained
with different voxel resolutions. Typically, resolution
of through-plane is lower than that of in-plane. In many
applications, such as image segmentation or
registration, voxel size of low-resolution (LR) image is
desired to match with a higher-resolution dataset.
Traditionally, interpolation techniques such B-spline
interpolation were applied. Super-resolution technique
has been emerged as an effective way to improve the
resolution, signal-to-noise ratio and acquisition time
trade-offs compared with direct high-resolution (HR)
acquisition. Here, an alternative super-resolution
method with intermodality priors from another HR MRI is
proposed. In particular, we aim to improve resolution of
LR T2-weighted image with help of HR T1-weighted image
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