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Abstract #1821

Differences in Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Posterior Circulation Territories obtained with BOLD and ASL MRI using Hypercapnic Challenges

Jeroen C.W. Siero 1 , Alex Bhogal 1 , Carlos Faraco 2 , Jeroen Hendrikse 1 , and Manus J. Donahue 2

1 University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2 Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, TN, United States

We performed cerebrovascular reactivity measurements in healthy subjects using BOLD and CBF for different hypercapnic and hyperoxic conditions, focussing on posterior circulation territories. Results demonstrate that CVR in posterior circulation territories is regionally dependent, at least for CBF. Observed differences between CBF and BOLD based CVR may indicate differences in vascular and metabolic condition. Future work will aim at elucidating and separating these effects by comparing healthy subjects and patients with posterior circulation pathology.

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