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Abstract #1642

Reception sensitivity inhomogeneity correction at ultra high field using a fast gradient echo sequence

Franck Mauconduit 1 , Aurlien Massire 2 , Nicolas Boulant 2 , Alexis Amadon 2 , and Alexandre Vignaud 2

1 Siemens Heathcare, Saint Denis, France, 2 CEA, DSV, I2BM, Neurospin, LRMN, Gif-Sur-Yvette, Ile de france, France

UHF suffers from significant inhomogeneity artifacts originating from transmission RF and reception sensitivity coils. In vivo measurement approaches have been proposed earlier. Based on these approaches, we suggest a very short TR GRE sequence to reduce image unihomogeneity. On a Siemens 7T Magnetom scanner, a B1 field map (AFI) and a GRE sequence with minimal tissue contrast are acquired. Then the GRE sequence is low pass filtered and a post processing corrects reception sensitivities on an MPRAGE acquisition. Our result shows a significant improvement using a GRE sequence with TR=9ms and 10 sec acquisition therefore providing a fast correction method.

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