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Abstract #1629

Robust Partial Fourier Parallel Imaging Using ESPIRiT and Virtual Conjugate Coils

Martin Uecker 1 and Michael Lustig 1

1 Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States

ESPIRiT is a recently developed algorithm for auto-calibrated parallel MRI. It is based on an eigenvalue analysis of the calibration data. The present work describes an extension using virtual conjugate coils, which allows the estimation of sensitivity maps which include image phase. Such maps can be used in a phase-constrained SENSE reconstruction for acceleration with partial Fourier sampling. In contrast to other methods, high-frequency phase is not simply discarded but taken into account by a second eigenvector map in affected image regions. This map can be used in an extended soft-SENSE reconstruction which is robust against errors from high-frequency phase.

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