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Abstract #1598

Slice-by-slice prospective hardware motion correction in EPI and simultaneous multislice sequences

Paul Wighton 1 , M. Dylan Tisdall 1 , Erez Nevo 2 , Kawin Setsompop 1 , Stephen F Cauley 1 , Himanshu Bhat 3 , Thomas Benner 4 , Dara S Manoach 5 , and Andr van der Kouwe 1

1 Radiology, MGH, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2 Robin Medical, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3 Healthcare Sector, Siemens, Charlestown, MA, United States, 4 Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany, 5 Psychiatry, MGH, Charlestown, MA, United States

Recent research has shown that head motion can cause spurious group differences in functional as well as structural connectivity analyses. We examine slice-by-slice prospective hardware motion correction in EPI sequences (BOLD and 3x simultaneous multislice BOLD) in order to mitigate such differences. Our method incurs a 7.8% and 15.9% penalty to tSNR due motion in the BOLD and 3xSMS-BOLD sequences respectively, compared to 38.5% and 23.8% tSNR penalty respectively in the next best methods. Additionally, we observe that susceptibility due to motion has as large an effect as the motion itself.

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