Abstract #1578
Improved subcortical segmentation using multiple MR modalities
Eelke Visser 1 , Gwenalle Douaud 1 , and Mark Jenkinson 1
FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of
Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom
Automated segmentation of subcortical structures is
typically performed using T1-weighted volumes. However,
not all of these structures' boundaries are clearly
visible with T1 contrast. We describe a multimodal
segmentation method that integrates information from
different contrasts: in this case T1-weighted,
T2-weighted and FA volumes. Since the images contain
complementary information, the method does not need to
rely heavily on prior shape knowledge obtained from
training data. We show that, in specific areas, the
method performs considerably better than FIRST, a
segmentation method that only uses T1-weighted volumes.
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