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Abstract #1562

Patch based low rank constrained reconstruction for diffusion MRI

Ganesh Adluru 1 , Yaniv Gur 2 , Jeffrey Anderson 1 , and Edward V.R. DiBella 1

1 Radiology, University of Utah, Salt lake city, Utah, United States, 2 SCI Institute, University of Utah, Salt lake city, Utah, United States

Standard diffusion imaging is limited when evaluating regions with crossing fibers. Higher order diffusion acquisitions with multiple b-values and multiple diffusion directions can reveal crossing fiber information; however it takes a long time to acquire such data. Acceleration techniques including compressed sensing can be applied to reduce the readout time by undersampling k-space and using constraints that exploit redundancies to remove the undersampling artifacts. Here we test a patch-based low rank constraint that exploits redundancies in terms of patches across diffusion directions for undersampled diffusion data. Promising results are presented in a multi-shell acquisition in a stroke patient.

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