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Abstract #1449

RF Pulse Design using Linear and Nonlinear Gradient Fields: A Multi-Dimensional k-Space Approach

Emre Kopanoglu 1 , Leo K. Tam 1 , and Robert Todd Constable 1

1 Dept. Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, United States

The effect of using nonlinear gradient fields (NLGFs) on excitation fidelity is studied, specifically on a multi-dimensionally selective excitation scheme. For this purpose, three nonlinear and two linear gradient fields (LGFs) are used. Two-dimensionally selective RF pulses are designed utilizing more than two fields simultaneously, using a multi-dimensional k-space approach. Using simulations, it is shown that increasing the number of k-space dimensions beyond the number of spatial coordinates may yield excitation profiles with lower error, compared to the target profile. It is also shown that, NLGFs may improve excitation fidelity, even for profiles that are more compatible with LGFs.

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