Abstract #1368
Assessment of miniaturized RF traps for RF heating reduction and reception coil sensitivity profile restoration
Jean-Marie Verret 1,2 , Frank Pilleul 3,4 , Ccile Rabrait 2 , and Olivier Beuf 1
Universit de Lyon; CREATIS; CNRS UMR 5220;
Inserm U1044; INSA-Lyon; Universit Lyon 1,
Villeurbanne, France,
Science Development Group, General Electric Healthcare,
Buc, France,
Civils de Lyon; Dpartement dimagerie digestive; CHU
Edouard Herriot, France,
Lon Brard - Centre de Lutte contre le Cancer, France
To reduce RF-induced heating, standard passive RF traps
are known to be efficient. Novel miniaturized RF traps
are as efficient as standard ones for this purpose.
Furthermore, it is demonstrated that RF traps enable a
restoration of the signal intensity pattern of the coil.
It is thus possible to perform a MR endoscopy of deeper
regions of the bowel (after left colonic flexure for
instance) since the coaxial cable incorporating
miniaturized RF traps now may be inserted through the
rectum with limited discomfort for the patient.
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