Abstract #1319
Replacing Individual Baluns with Quarter Wavelength Baluns in Multi-Channel Arrays
Thomas Grafendorfer 1 , Greig Scott 2 , Paul Calderon 3 , Fraser Robb 4 , John Pauly 2 , and Shreyas Vasanawala 5
Advanced Coils, GEHC Coils, Stanford, CA,
United States,
Engineering, Stanford University, CA, United States,
consultant, Stanford Radiology, CA, United States,
Coils, GEHC Coils, OH, United States,
Stanford University, CA, United States
Baluns and cable traps are widely used in coil arrays to
prevent common mode currents on cables and feeding lines
that can severely impact coil performance. But this
approach is often done in a trial and error fashion;
arbitrarily moving and adding Baluns until the coil
somehow works. Here we show a more controlled approach,
where ground loops formed by cables are purposely set to
hold certain resonance frequencies. In that case
individual Baluns can be replaced with quarter
wavelength Baluns, which is noting else than shorting
individual cable shields together at the right location.
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