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Abstract #1241

Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Multiple Myeloma at 3.0 Tesla: How Do Bone Marrow Plasma Cell Percentage and Selection of Protocols Affect Lesion Conspicuity?

Miyuki Takasu 1 , Yoko Kaichi 1 , Chihiro Tani 1 , Shuji Date 1 , Yuji Akiyama 1 , Yoshiaki Kuroda 2 , Akira Sakai 3 , and Kazuo Awai 1

1 Diagnostic Radiology, Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan, 2 Hematology, Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan, 3 Radiation Life Sciences, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Fukushima, Japan

The present study compared three fat-suppression techniques in terms of CNR and percent contrast and assessed the dependence of lesion conspicuity on BMPC% obtained from biopsy specimen. Significant negative correlations between percent contrast and CNR with BMPC% were demonstrated. We attributed this finding to increased signal intensity of background BM mainly caused by T2 prolongation by diffusely infiltrated myeloma cells, which can reduce the signal intensity contrast between focal lesion and background BM. In the low tumor load BM group, BM-focal lesion percent contrast was significantly greater for FS-T2 FSE than for the water image of IDEAL and STIR.

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