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Abstract #0844

Detection of Acute Response to Proteasome Inhibitor Treatment in Mouse Colorectal Tumour Models Using Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Yanan Zhu 1 , Rajiv Ramasawmy 1 , Sean Peter Johnson 2 , Valerie Taylor 1 , Barbara Pedley 2 , Allison Berger 3 , Nibedita Chattopadhyay 3 , Daniel Bradley 4 , Mark Lythgoe 1 , and Simon Walker-Samuel 1

1 UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College London, London, Greater London, United Kingdom, 2 UCL Cancer Institute, University College London, Greater London, United Kingdom, 3 Cancer Pharmacology Takeda Pharmaceutical International Corporation, MA, United States, 4 The Biomedical Imaging Group, Takeda Pharmaceutical International Corporation, MA, United States

In this study, amide proton transfer (APT) imaging was used to assess the acute response of a colorectal xenograft model to proteosome inhibitor therapy (ixazomib). Tumour apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), T1, and T2 were also acquired, alongside 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. Treated mice showed an inhibited tumour growth rate, decreased APT and increased ADC, compared with control mice, which could be due to changes in protein homeostasis as a result of proteasome inhibition by the drug.

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