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Abstract #0840

A blunted response to dextro-amphetamine in recreational dextro-amphetamine users assessed using [ 123 I]IBZM SPECT and pCASL based phMRI.

Anouk Schrantee 1 , Lena Vaclavu 1 , Dennis F R Heijtel 1 , Matthan W A Caan 1 , Jan Booij 1 , Aart J Nederveen 1 , and Liesbeth Reneman 1

1 Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands

In this study we compared acute dextro-amphetamine (dAMPH)-induced changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) as measured with a pCASL sequence between regular dAMPH users and healthy controls. In addition, dopamine release was measured using [ 123 I]IBZM SPECT. DAMPH administration decreased gray matter CBF in both groups. However, dAMPH induced increases in striatal CBF in controls, whereas this effect was blunted in dAMPH users. Furthermore, dopamine release was blunted in users compared to controls as measured with SPECT. These findings suggest a dysfunctional dopamine system in dAMPH users and also highlights the potential of phMRI to assess changes in dopamine neurotransmitter function.

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