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Abstract #0715

Whole brain cerebral flow territory mapping using vessel selective dynamic arterial spin labeling within 30 seconds

Xingxing ZHANG 1 , Eidrees Ghariq 1 , Sophie Schmid 1 , Wouter Teeuwisse 1 , and Matthias J.P. van Osch 1

1 C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Vessel selective dynamic arterial spin labeling (VS-DASL) combined with 3D Turbo-Field Echo-Planar Imaging (TFEPI) was proposed to achieve fast whole brain flow territory mapping. The results showed good agreement with traditional vessel selective ASL (VS-ASL) as proven by the Dice similarity coefficient. These results imply that 3D VS-DASL has the potential to map whole brain flow territories within 30 seconds, enabling clinical use both in standard cerebrovascular imaging protocols as well as in the acute setting, i.e. patients with acute stroke.

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