Abstract #0643
Whole brain fMRI in 370ms: exploring the benefits of high temporal resolution 3D-EPI-CAIPI
Mayur Narsude 1,2 , Daniel Gallichan 3 , Wietske van der Zwaag 3 , Rolf Gruetter 3 , and Jose Marques 3
LIFMET, EPFL, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland,
of Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland,
EPFL, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
This study aimed to demonstrate benefit of highly
accelerated 3D-EPI-CAIPI wholebrain fMRI, particularly
the ability to filter out respiratory and cardiac noise.
Thanks to the use of 3D-EPI-CAIPI sampling patterns, it
was possible obtain a 3 and 8 fold increases in temporal
resolution in respect to un-accelerated 3D-EPI with only
mild g-factor penalty. Temporal SNR per unit of time of
the 8-fold accelerated data was ~62% and ~26% higher
than un-accelerated and 3-fold accelerated data
respectively. Better physiological signals filtering
with higher sampling rates resulted in higher
statistical significance for resting state networks
found via Independent Component Analysis.
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