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Abstract #0497

Single Breath-hold Renal Artery Blood Flow Measurements Using Spiral PCMR With r-r Interval Averaging

Jennifer Anne Steeden 1 , Grzegorz Kowalik 1 , Andrew Taylor 1 , and Vivek Muthurangu 1

1 Centre for Cardiovascular Imaging, UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science, London, United Kingdom

Renal artery blood flow (RABF) can be accurately measured using phase contrast MR (PCMR), however long scan times are required. This study proposes averaging data over an integer number of r-r intervals to measure RABF with high spatial resolution during a single breath-hold (~6 seconds). A novel golden-angle spiral PCMR sequence was tested in-vivo (N=30), and the limitations of the technique were tested in an in-silico experiment. In-silico the stroke volumes (SV) measured were within 6% of the true SV, for all heart rates and vessel expansibility tested. In-vivo SVs correlated well with a reference Cartesian PCMR sequence (r=0.9906, P<0.0001).

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