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Abstract #0404

High-permittivity Materials can Improve Global Performance and Safety of Close-Fitting Arrays

Christopher M. Collins 1 , Giuseppe Carluccio 1 , Manushka V. Vaidya 1 , Gillian G. Haemer 1 , Wei Luo 2 , Riccardo Lattanzi 1 , Graham C. Wiggins 1 , Daniel K. Sodickson 1 , and Qing X. Yang 3

1 Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2 Bioengineering, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, United States, 3 Radiology, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, United States

While most work with high permittivity materials (HPMs) in MRI has been focused on improving SNR or transmit efficiency for a relatively small region within a much larger coil or array, our recent work demonstrates that HPMs can also improve performance of small coils very near the subject, as well as arrays of such coils for the entire region of the anatomy they encompass. Here we introduce theoretical arguments for how this can occur before presenting numerical demonstrations that HPMs will, indeed, increase SNR and reduce SAR within the entire cerebrum for a specific close-fitting head-specific HPM/array combination at 7T.

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