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Abstract #0402

Bent Electric Dipoles: A Novel Coil Design Inspired by the Ideal Current Pattern for Central SNR at 7 Tesla

Gang Chen 1 , Martijn Cloos 1 , Riccardo Lattanzi 1 , Daniel Sodickson 1 , and Graham Wiggins 1

1 The Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States

Investigations of the Ultimate Intrinsic SNR (UISNR) have revealed that curl-free current modes make a significant, even dominant, contribution to central UISNR at high frequencies and for large objects. For a body-sized phantom at 7T, the ideal current pattern for curl-free current modes shows V-shaped patterns, which provide the phase evolution in the axial direction needed to account for propagation delays to the central region of interest. We show in simulations that bending an electric dipole into a V can better approximate the ideal current phase evolution and provide superior performance compared to a straight dipole.

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