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Abstract #0331

Accelerated MPIO-Labeled Cell Imaging in the Heart

Anthony G. Christodoulou 1 , T. Kevin Hitchens 2 , Yijen L. Wu 2 , Zhi-Pei Liang 1 , and Chien Ho 2

1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2 Pittsburgh NMR Center for Biomedical Research, Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Low-rank (subspace) imaging with temporal navigation and sparse sampling of (k, t)-space has previously been used to accelerate several cardiac imaging applications. Here we describe a more efficient self-navigated pulse sequence to acquire both navigator and sparse data in a single TR, doubling imaging speed to approach 100 frames per second. We demonstrate the assessment of myocardial inflammation in rats through self-navigated T2*-weighted imaging of immune cells labeled with micron-sized paramagnetic iron oxide (MPIO) particles.

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