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Abstract #0169

Changes in Anatomical and Functional Connectivity Related to Lower Hippocampal Volume

Jos Angel Pineda Pardo 1,2 , Miguel Molina 2 , Alexandra Cristobal 2 , Eva Manzanedo 2 , Francisco del Pozo 1 , Juan lvarez-Linera 2 , and Juan Antonio Hernndez-Tamames 2

1 Laboratory of Neuroimaging, Center for Biomedical Technology, Pozuelo de Alarcn, Madrid, Spain, 2 Laboratory of Neuroimaging, Fundacin CIEN-Fundacin Reina Sofa, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Hippocampal atrophy is an early biomarker of Alzheimer's. According to this, we defined two groups of healthy elderly subjects with a normalized hippocampal volume (NHV) located at the top and bottom of the population distribution. We built structural networks using deterministic tractography and functional networks through fMRI correlations. The networks were compared between groups using a Wilcoxon test. In the higher NHV group we found higher anatomical connections between hippocampus and temporal cortices, and lower functional connections between entorhinal and cingulate cortices. The lower SC might be representative of an upcoming neurodegenerative process, being the higher FC a compensatory mechanism.

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