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Abstract #0139

Differentiation of hypointensity nodules on gadoxetic acid-enhanced hepatobiliary phase MRI using non-balanced spin-echo SSFP (T2FFE)

Masami Yoneyama 1 , Masanobu Nakamura 2 , Taro Takahara 3 , Thomas Kwee 4 , Yukihisa Takayama 5 , Akihiro Nishie 5 , Atsushi Takemura 2 , Yasutomo Katsumata 2 , Makoto Obara 2 , Satoshi Tatsuno 1 , and Seishi Sawano 1

1 Yaesu Clinic, Tokyo, Japan, 2 Philips Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 3 Tokai University School of Engineering, Kanagawa, Japan, 4 University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands, 5 Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

This study introduced a novel approach to differentiate hypointense nodules on gadoxetic acid-enhanced hepatobiliary phase images by use of a non-balanced spin-echo SSFP (T2FFE) sequence. T2FFE typically provides T2-weighted contrast, but theoretically has high sensitivity to T1 shortening effects due to gadoxetic acid. This approach might particularly be useful for distinguishing metastases and hemangiomas.

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