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Abstract #4444

Sparse Sampling Phase Contrast Imaging of the Aorta

Zhiyue J. Wang1, 2, Jonathan M. Chia3, David M. Higgins4, Youngseob Seo2, 5, Nancy K. Rollins1, 2

1Childrens Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States; 2Univeristy of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX, United States; 3Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States; 4Philips Healthcare, Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom; 5Division of Convergence Technology, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, Korea

This work looks at the feasibility of performing sparse sampling in high resolution phase contrast imaging using a unique subtraction reconstruction algorithm. Images were sparsely sampled at 45, 36, and 30% and compared against a fully sampled image through region of interest analysis. Under sampled data showed slight underestimation of quantitative values while still maintaining an accurate flow curve behavior. Physiologic fluctuations and the intrinsic nature of under sampling, most likely, lead to this discrepancy. Sparse sampling techniques have been shown to be very promising in achieving accurate quantitative data while reducing scan times significantly.
