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Abstract #4334

Modeling the Electric Field Distribution Within the Brain for the Treatment of Glioblastomas

Pedro C. Miranda1, Abeye Mekonnen1, Ricardo Salvador1, Peter J. Basser2

1IBEB, Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal; 2STBB, Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States

Electric fields are being investigated as an adjunct or an alternative to chemotherapy in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). We used a realistic head model constructed from MRI data to calculate the electric field distribution in the brain during the application of tumor treating fields (TTF). The calculations indicate that the electric field magnitude predicted in the brain is sufficient to arrest cell proliferation based upon in vitro experiments. However, the electric field is not uniform as it is affected by tissue heterogeneity. Patient specific models could be used in treatment planning, and for understanding outcomes of TTF therapy.
