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Abstract #4236

Characterization of Tissue Acidosis Response in Transient Acute Ischemic Stroke with pH-Sensitive APT MRI

Phillip Zhe Sun1, Jerry S. Cheung1, Enfeng Wang1, Xiaoan Zhang2

1Radiology, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, United States; 2Radiology, 3rd Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou, Henan, China

pH-sensitive APT MRI is a metabolic index that remains promising to define ischemic tissue injury. We evaluated ischemic tissue response to reperfusion with multi-parametric MRI, and our results showed that quantitative pH imaging delineated salvageable DWI lesion from the irreversibly injured ischemic core. Therefore, it is important to develop multi-parametric tissue outcome prediction model that combines perfusion, pH and diffusion MRI, which may more accurately identify salvageable ischemic tissue for late thrombolytic therapy and ultimately help guide the development of neuroprotection agents that target tissue acidosis.
