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Abstract #4179

Optimal Combination of a Multi-Receive Coil for Conductivity Mapping Using Phase Based MREPT

Joonsung Lee1, Narae Choi1, Jaewook Shin1, Dong-Hyun Kim1

1Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

A novel method of locally optimized combination of multi-receive coil was proposed for phase based MREPT. The proposed approach locally homogenizes the magnitude of the receive profile and thus can reduce the possible errors in phase based MREPT. The proposed coil combination method results in much more homogeneous conductivity estimates than a conventional coil combination method. The performance of the proposed method was verified in a 12 channel multi-receive head coil. Many clinical systems are operated using multi-receive coils, therefore our method can be useful in clinical imagers.
