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Abstract #4122

Placental MR Imaging in Fetuses with Placental Insufficiency

Yoshimitsu Ohgiya1, Hiroshi Nobusawa2, Noritaka Seino1, Makoto Saiki1, Yui Onoda1, Jumpei Suyama1, Masanori Hirose1, Takehiko Gokan1

1Department of Radiology, Showa University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; 2Department of Radiology, Kawasaki saiwai hospital, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan

The purpose of this study was to evaluate morphologic and signal intensity changes of placental insufficiency on MR imaging and to assess value of morphologic changes and decreased flow voids (FVs) on T2-weight RARE MR imaging for diagnosing placental insufficiency. The use of decreased FVs in addition to globular appearances increased sensitivity for the detection of placental insufficiency from 76.0% to 88.0%, increased accuracy from 78.0% to 82.0%, and preserved specificity at 76.0%. Evaluating FVs on T2-weighted RARE images can be useful for detecting placental insufficiency, particularly in placentas without globular appearances on MR imaging.
