Michael H. Buonocore1,
2, David G. Amaral3, Gerald J. Sonico2, Jeff
Bennett3, Martin Styner4
UC Davis, Sacramento, CA, United States; 2Imaging Research Center,
UC Davis, Sacramento, CA, United States; 3Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences, UC Davis, Sacramento, CA, United States; 4Psychiatry
and Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapal Hill, Chapel
Hill, NC, United States
This abstract reviews the process of selecting RF coils, pulse sequences and scan parameters for structural and functional brain imaging of non-human primates (NHPs). Compared to these factors in human imaging, the smaller size of the NHP brain, desire for high spatial resolution, and ability to scan for longer durations without head motion, lead to selections that are uncommon in human imaging yet generate NHP images with high spatial resolution, tissue contrast, and SNR. The unique characteristics of NHP imaging provide opportunities for protocol optimization that are not practical, or not available, for human imaging protocols.