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Abstract #3181

3D DP-FISP for Diffusion Measurements in MR Microscopy at Ultra-High Field.

Ileana Ozana Jelescu1, Denis Le Bihan1, Luisa Ciobanu1

1NeuroSpin, Gif-sur-Yvette, Essonne, France

A 3D diffusion-prepared fast imaging with steady-state free precession (DP-FISP) sequence was implemented at 17.2T to perform apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements in small biological samples (i.e. single cells). The sequence was tested on phantoms with different T1s, including values similar to those of biological tissues, and was compared with a standard diffusion-weighted spin-echo (DW-SE) sequence. The FISP flip angle was optimized for minimal T1 bias in ADC estimation (< 10%) for b-values up to 600 s/mm. Our sequence is less prone to artifacts than EPI and eight times faster than DW-SE. Future improvements include extension to higher b-values.
