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Abstract #3094

Comparison of the ADC Measurement in Liver DWI with Multi-Breath-Hold, Free Breathing, Respiratory Triggered and Navigator Triggered Techniques

Zaiyi Liu1, Changhong Liang1, Xin Chen1

1Dept. of radiology, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

ADC is a promising imaging biomarker for characterizing liver lesions and predicting and monitoring the response of hepatic diseases to treatment. However, there's a wide variety in liver ADC values which have been reported, even in normal liver. Knowledge of the characteristic of ADC measurement in normal liver is of great importance for accurate interpretation of ADC changes. Our results showed that the ADC values are influeced by both DWI techniques and anatomical location of the liver, thus we should use the same technique and the same location when evaluate the ADC values changes in diffuse liver disease after treatment.