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Abstract #2476

Highly Reproducible in vivo T1 Maps in Brain at 3T

Sofia Chavez1, 2, Stephen Kish1, 2, Tina McCluskey1, Nancy Lobaugh1, 3

1Research Imaging Centre, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Neurology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

The Method of Slopes (MoS), which accounts for spatial variations in flip angle, has been shown to yield accurate in vivo 3D T1 maps in brain at 3T. However, several factors may cause variations in the measurement within a subject across time. In this work, we assess the intra-subject reproducibility of T1 mapping with the MoS by repeating scans on five healthy subjects, at three time points on two consecutive days: morning, afternoon, morning. We find very small intra-subject coefficients of variation (CV<8%) in all brain regions, making these T1 maps suitable for the detection of short-term effects(eg. drug-induced).

subjectvariabilityintramapssubjectsinterreproducibilityassessaccuracybrainhealthyhistogramsmappingmetricmorningphysiologicalreflectafternoonbarscontrolscorrecteddescribeddetectdiseaseddrugexpectedgoalin vivoinducedinhomogeneitylargermanynoiseoccurregisteredscannedscannerstudiestruevariationvaryaccordingaddictionaffectaffected