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Abstract #2049

Periodic Sampling in the Gradient Direction Domain Facilitates Noise Reduction in Diffusion Weighted Imaging

Farshid Sepehrband1, Jeiran Choupan1, Viktor Vegh1, Quang M. Tieng1, David C. Reutens1, Zhengyi Yang2

1Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 2School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

We have proposed a new sampling scheme for Higher Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging. The scheme is based on sampling the diffusion gradient directions periodically in a spiral over the unit sphere. Diffusion signal acquired with this scheme inherits the periodicity of the sampling, which brings post-processing opportunities for diffusion MRI data, such as denoising, compressed sensing and tractography. Here we have demonstrated its effect on signal-to-noise improvement.
