Rajat Kumar Ghosh1,
Stephen J. Kadlecek1, Nicholas N. Kuzma1, Mehrdad
Pourfathi1, Rahim Rizi1
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
MRI/NMR signals can be acquired in real time at mM level concentrations by using techniques of Dynamic nuclear polarization to increase nuclear polarization by a factor of over 100,000. However, the utility of the technique is severely limited due to short polarization lifetimes on the order of the T1 time. In this work we hyperpolarize doubly 15N labeled nitrous oxide to the ~15-20% level. Additionally we extend the spin lifetime by over an order of magnitude by transferring the hyperpolarized longitudinal spin order to the singlet state. This may enable applications for perfusion imaging, or for cerebral blood flow measurements.