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Abstract #1778

Diffusion Weighted MRI of the Prostate: Which Tumours Are We Able to Detect, and How Reliably?

Lauren J. Bains1, Maria Triantafyllou1, Johannes M. Froehlich1, Giuseppe Petralia1, Daniel Chong1, Harriet C. Thoeny1

1Department of Diagnostic, Interventional, and Pediatric Radiology, Inselspital University Hospital Bern, Bern, Switzerland

In this study we performed an assessment the sensitivity and specificity of the detection of primary prostate tumours in patients with and without primary prostate cancer, using prostatectomy as a gold standard. Inter-reader agreement between 3 independent readers was good (&[kappa] = 0.57). Sensitivity was 88-91% overall and specificity was 56-72%, despite the presence of TN in this cohort. High grade (Gleason score &[ge] 7) cancers were detected with a better sensitivity. False positives were related to the presence of prostatic hyperplasia and neoplasia, while false negatives were related to small tumours with low Gleason score.
