Lydia Wachsmuth1,
Sonja Schfers2, Thomas Viel2, Sven Hermann2,
Niclas Kremer2, Michael Schfers2, Klaus Schfers2,
Andreas H. Jacobs2, Carsten Mller-Tidow3, Cornelius
Radiology, Experimental NMR, University Hospital Mnster, Mnster, Germany; 2European
Institute for Molecular Imaging, Mnster, Germany; 3Molecular
Hematology/Oncology, University Hospital Mnster, Mnster, Germany
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) and (18F-FLT) PET examinations were subsequently performed in a human lung carcinoma xenograft mouse model without change in animal position between scans in order to directly relate tracer accumulation to local diffusion coefficients. Tumor tissue heterogeneity was reflected by regional changes in ADC. Much higher 18F-FLT uptake in the proliferative rim of the tumor, showing low diffusion constants, compared to low radiotracer accumulation in the tumor core with high ADC values, support the assumption that high ADC values in the tumor core represent necrotic areas. Bimodal imaging findings were confirmed by immunohistochemistry.