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Abstract #1687

Pre-Operative Evaluation of Patients Undergoing Knee Articular Cartilage Defect Repair: MRI Thickness Maps Derived from a Validated, Automated Segmentation Platform - Initial Results

Joshua Farber1, 2, Jose Tamez-Pena3, Saara Totterman4, Bruce Holladay5, Forest Heis5, John Larkin5, Michael Greiwe5

1Radiology, Radiology Ass of N KY, Cincinnati, OH, United States; 2Imaging, Qmetrics, Rochester, NY, United States; 3Mathematics and Statistics, Tec de Monterrey, Monterry, NL, Mexico; 4Qmetrics, Rchester, NY, United States; 5Orthopedic Surgery, Commonwealth Orthopeadic centers, Edgewood, KY, United States

The material presented here demonstrates a validated, automated knee articular cartilage segmentation platform that can create 3D Thickness maps of knee articular cartilage. These thickness maps delineate the location and size of articular cartilage defects, as well as the integrity of the surrounding cartilage, and provide an accurate guide for pre operative evaluation and facilitate physician - patient interactions.