Yudong Zhang1,
Jing Wang2, Xiaoying Wang3
of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital With Nanjing Medical University,
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; 2Peking University, Beijing, China; 3Peking
University First Hospital, Beijing, China
Glomerular filtration is the main function of the kidney. Currently, we have described a proposed way for determining the single kidney GFR noninvasively by using DCE-MRI. The study has demonstrated that nonionic, high-osmolality iopamidol produces an acute hemodynamic response of kidney function that is associated with a significant deficiency in cortical blood circulation following with a prominent decrease in glomerular clearance rate. These findings suggest that non-invasive MRR method may be of value for the detection and quantification of altered glomerular filtration function as the basis for the evaluation of normal and pathological states such as Contrast-induced nephropathy.