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Abstract #1517

In Vivo Liver 1H MRS Measurement of PDFF, and T1 and T2 of Water and Fat, in a Single Breath-Hold with Multiple TRs and TEs.

Gavin Hamilton1, Michael S. Middleton1, Claude B. Sirlin1

1Department of Radiology, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States

In vivo hepatic 1H MRS can measure fat fraction by acquiring single-average spectra with long TR at multiple TEs. As these spectra have to be acquired in a breath-hold, only a limited of spectra at different TEs can be collected, reducing the accuracy of T2 measurement. Reducing TR to collect spectra at more TEs introduces T1 weighting in the fat fraction. Here we show that acquiring single-average spectra at multiple TRs and TEs in a single breath-hold can repeatably measure liver water and fat T1 and T2, and PDFF in vivo.