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Abstract #1318

Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Accelerated Cardiac MR Stress Perfusion After Physical Stress with Supine Ergometer

Christophe Schlke1, 2, Sbastien Roujol1, Murilo Foppa1, Ernest V. Gervino1, Kraig V. Kissinger1, Beth Goddu1, Sophie J. Berg1, Sebastian Kozerke2, Warren J. Manning1, 3, Reza Nezafat1

1Medecine, BIDMC / Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States; 2Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 3Radiology, BIDMC / Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

Physiologic stress provides unique information regarding a patients exercise capacity and hemodynamic response to exercise. To perform post physiologic stress CMR perfusion, we employed an MR-compatible supine ergometer mounted on the scanner table. In our experience, coil sensitivity maps are generally corrupted due to patient motion during exercise and significant respiratory motion is encountered during the CMR perfusion acquisition. To allow CMR perfusion with elevated heart rate image acquisition should be shortened. The aim of this study was to compare reconstruction methods for accelerated CMR perfusion immediately post physical stress.
