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Abstract #1162

Functional Connectivity in Posterior Cingulate Cortex Alters in Brain Concussion Patients at the Acute Stage

Armin Iraji1, Valerie Mika2, Jie Yang2, Annalise Rahman2, Grace Ma2, Robert Welch2, Randall Benson2, Scott Millis2, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh3, Ewart Mark Haacke2, Zhifeng Kou2

1Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit , MI, United States; 2Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States; 3University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

mTBI affects over 1 million emergency visits in the United States each year. Most of them have negative findings in clinical imaging in emergency department. However, attention and memory deficits are wide-spread symptoms in mTBI patients. We hypothesize that mTBI is associated with alterations in the activities in PCC and functional connectivity at rest. Results demonstrate that a) mTBI patients have alterations in their resting-state functional connectivity in PCC and related areas at the acute stage, and b) this functional connectivity change may reflect their memory symptoms. This work could have potential applications in clinical diagnosis of mTBI.
