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Abstract #0825

A PET Optimized 16-Element Anterior Array Coil for 3T Simultaneous MR/PET System

Yun-Jeong Stickle1, Tae-Young Yang1, Tom E. Zink1, Sahil Bhatia1, Victor Taracila1, Fraser Robb1, Bijay K. Shah2, David M. Goldhaber2

1Engineering, GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States; 2Engineering, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States

A PET optimized 16- Element anterior array coil is described for acquiring high-sensitivity MR (Magnetic Resonance) images and good quality PET images of the torso and cardiac at 3 Tesla simultaneous PET/MR system. This anterior coil has been optimized to minimize the interference with gamma ray detection from the PET without scarifying MR image quality. In this study, we reduced the thickness of the rigid coil formers that consist of a Lexan 940 with the PET transparent material supports, optimized arrangement of components (internal cables, internal cable baluns, feedboards and decoupling boards) and introduced the new mechanical feedboard and decoupling housing design.
