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Abstract #0506

Comparison of Arterial Spin Labelling and R2* as Predictive Response Biomarkers for Vascular Targeting Agents in Liver Metastases

Sean Peter Johnson1, Rajiv Ramasawmy2, Adrienne E. Campbell-Washburn2, Mathew Robson1, Jack Wells2, Vineeth Rajkumar1, Simon Walker-Samuel2, Mark F. Lythgoe2, Rosamund Barbara Pedley1

1Cancer Institute, University College London, London, Greater London, United Kingdom; 2Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College London, London, Greater London, United Kingdom

We present data comparing the ability of arterial spin labelling (ASL) perfusion measurements and R2* to assess response to vascular disrupting agent therapy in a mouse liver metastasis model. A significant increase in R2* (p<0.01, n=12) and a significant decrease in perfusion (p<0.01, n=18) were measured. Baseline perfusion was significantly correlated with the subsequent change in perfusion at 90 minutes following therapy, whilst baseline R2* values did not show a relationship with response. No significant correlation was found between perfusion and R2* post-therapy changes.
