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Abstract #0463

in vivo Imaging of Electrical Properties of Human Brain Using a Gradient Based Algorithm

Jiaen Liu1, Xiaotong Zhang1, Sebastian Schmitter2, Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele2, Bin He1, 3

1Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States; 2Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States; 3Institute for Engineering in Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Being able to image tissue electrical propertiesconductivity and permittivityin vivo using MRI, Electrical Properties Tomography (EPT) has drawn considerable interests from the community. Currently, most EPT studies have focused on the homogeneous Helmholtz equation based method, whereas the ignored gradient term of electrical properties could potentially carry rich information for a more reliable reconstruction. In this study, a new gradient-based algorithm, called G-algorithm, for EPT was developed, and initial feasibility was demonstrated through in vivo human brain experimentation at 7T.

electricalgradientpropertiesreconstructeddensityfieldin vivoprotonchannelsfieldsmagnitudereceivetissuechannelexperimentinhomogeneousliteratureproposedtransmitcoilcomponentsdistributionequationshumanreconstructiontransutilizingaccordingbraincombiningconductivityderiveddeterminedengineeringequationgeneralmapsphysproblemreceivingreduceremovingreportedseriessolvingstudiestabletissuestogethertomographytransceivertransmittingableabsoluteaccuracy