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Abstract #0209

Evaluation of a Multiparamteric QBOLD Approach in Acute Stroke Patients

Julien Bouvier1, 2, Olivier Detante1, Irne Troprs3, Sylvie Grand1, 4, David Chechin5, Jean-Franois Le Bas, 34, Alexandre Krainik1, 4, Emmanuel Luc Barbier1

1INSERM U836, Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences, Grenoble, France; 2Philips Healthcare , Suresnes, France; 3Plate-forme IRMaGe, UJF INSERM US17 CNRS UMS 3552, Grenoble, France; 4CHU de Grenoble, Clinique Universitaire de Neuroradiologie et dIRM, Grenoble, France; 5Philips Healthcare, Suresnes, France

In stroke, Perfusion Weigthed Imaging (PWI) allows the identification of hypoperfused tissues. MRI characterization of the ischemic penumbra, defined by the diffusion-perfusion mismatch, can delineate penumbral and irreversibly infarcted fields with a similar degree of reliability to the gold standard, positron-emission tomography (PET). The presence of a diffusion-perfusion mismatch could justify thrombolysis therapy beyond 3h. The assessment of the penumbra using MRI remains controversial, however. The aim of this study is to evaluate how tissular oxygen saturation (StO2), assessed with a multiparametric qBOLD approach, fits between diffusion and perfusion acute stroke patients.