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Abstract #0079

B1-Insensitive Slice-Selective Pseudo-Adiabatic Pulse

Benot Bourassa-Moreau1, Guillaume Gilbert1, 2, Gilles Beaudoin1

1Department of Radiology, Centre Hospitalier de l'Universit de Montral, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2Philips Healthcare, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

In this work, we present a slice-selective pseudo-adiabatic excitation (pBIR4-S1s2) which offers a B1-insensitive excitation at an arbitrary flip angle in a comparatively short duration (<10 ms). Slice-selection is achieved by replacing the hard RF sub-pulses of the pseudo-adiabatic pulse by slice-selective sub-pulses (SLR) of the same time-integrated areas and driven with an oscillating gradient. Simulated magnetization response and experimental results are shown.