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Abstract #0061

Oscillating Gradient Spin-Echo (OGSE) Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Brain

Corey Allan Baron1, Christian Beaulieu1

1Biomedical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Apparent diffusion coefficients measured using DTI depend on the time allowed for the molecules to probe the local environment because of the presence of cellular structures. Oscillating gradient spin-echo (OGSE) DTI enables greatly reduced diffusion times, which grants a greater sensitivity to diffusion restriction/hindrance over smaller length scales. In this work, DTI with a b-value of 300 s/mm2 and maximum OGSE frequency of 50 Hz is demonstrated in 5 healthy subjects, where significant increases of parallel and perpendicular DTI eigenvalues as well as decreases in FA are observed as the diffusion time is decreased from 40 ms to 5 ms.
