MRI Research Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States; 2The Mind Research
Network and Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute,
Albuquerque, NM, United States; 3Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, AL, United
States; 4Department of Psychology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL,
United States
Previous work using simultaneous EEG/fMRI has shown that the slow temporal dynamics of resting state networks (RSNs) obtained from fMRI are correlated with smoothed and down sampled versions of various EEG features such as microstates and band-limited power and these RSNs not only exist in the low frequency but also exist in high frequency. In this study, to test this critical hypothesis, we acquired a simultaneous EEG/fMRI from which involved fast fMRI sampling using multiband EPI and EPI acquisition. We found DMN in both MB-EPI and EPI acquisition however the correlation coefficient between two modalities in MB-EPI was higher.