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Abstract #4470

High Resolution 1H NMR Approach to Study the Effects of Cold Stress on the Metabolism of Rat Renal Tissue

Sonia Gandhi1, Hemant Kumar B S1, Sunil Koundal1, Shubhra Chaturvedi2, Rajendra P. Tripathi1, Subash Khushu1

1NMR Research Centre, INMAS, Delhi, India; 2Division and Cyclotron & Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, INMAS, Delhi, India

Cold stress may result in development of neuro-psychiatric symptoms such as depression, cognitive impairment, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, immune suppression, gastrointestinal mucosal damage & potential dysfunction to adrenal glands, kidney & lungs. Present study investigates the changes in metabolic profiles of kidney tissue in rats due to prolonged cold stress using NMR & multivariate statistical analysis. Results shows marked increase in metabolites viz. Lactate, Creatine, Myoinisitol, Glycine & Glucose from day 1 to 5 & decrease on further exposure upto day 15 indicating increased anaerobic glycolysis, altered glomerular filtration rate & osmotic imbalance. Correlation with other parameters can detect early biomarkers for cold stress injuries & organ specific dosimetry.
