Virginia Mato Abad1, 2, Juan Antonio Hernndez-Tamames3, 4, Roberto Garca-lvarez5, Javier Gonzlez Gonzlez-Zabaleta3, Javier Pereira Loureiro1, Alejandro Pazos Sierra1
1IMEDIR Centre, University of A Corua, A Corua, Spain; 2Neuroimaging Laboratory, CIEN Foundation Queen Sofa Foundation, Madrid, Spain; 3Biomedical Technology Center (CTB), Polytechnical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 4Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain; 5Research and Collaborations, GE Healthcare, Buc, France; 6Hospital Ruber Internacional, Madrid, Spain
This work studies the relationship between Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) metabolite quantification and water T2 decay In Vitro and in a cohort of 10 Parkinsons patients. A correspondence was established between the iron accumulation and the shortening of water T2 relaxation times, which was later proposed as a source of error during the LCModel metabolite quantification. This work recommends introducing water T2 decay ratios as a confounding variable in clinical studies when quantification of single-voxel MRS is required, particularly in pathologies with evident signs of iron accumulation